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"U.S. managers spend an average of 4 weeks a year searching for or waiting on misfiled, mislabeled, untracked, or 'lost' papers" (Cuadra Associates).

"In FY 1998, one cubic foot of records could be stored in a federal records center for $1.59 annually while that same cubic foot cost $23.10 to maintain in typical office space and equipment" (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration).

Average losses, per each victim of identity theft, approaches $10,000 per victim per attack. (Fraud Invest/ Javlin BBB, 2005) Information stolen from businesses is often even greater than theft from individual victims because of the number of victims involved. (Privacy Trust Group, 2007)

File & Records Management brings organization and efficiency to the records management function at a drastically reduced cost from what our customers could achieve by doing it themselves.